Sunday, April 22, 2012

We Go Back in Time and Crash the Denver Centennial For Lack of A Better Idea For A Saturday Night

I can't bear to look, either.

More Acrilan, more Chemstrand . . . and who would ever want to wear this stuff?  You go on a cruise and get hit on  by Captain Kangaroo?

Quick - what is this ad for?  Rings?  Well, you probably guessed lipstick.  The enhanced photo really brings it out.  Wrong again.

An all-in-one mascara, liner and shadow.  In a brilliant flash of color.  Brilliant idea!  Of course, the ad is in black and white and I can't even picture how this could work.   I found three different art posters showing Juliette Marglen and her fingernails:  scaring Rudy Vallee, having them cut off with a jeweler's saw, and wearing them as a necklace.   (Something disturbing about first, the fingernails, and second, making them into posters-on-demand.  Who would buy them?)   Instead of nail polish, we have lipstick and eye makeup.   Brilliant all around.

Unfinished Social Business Before Heading Back Out Into the Night and More Galas!

Remember?  We've met Princess Beatrice and a bevy of society dames,  and a still-not-identified Princess Galitzine, and we've dropped in on a Kansas City deb fest.  Now, it's on to Denver:

"Denver's Centennial this autumn crowded into one evening a French dinner, a grand-scale showing of Paris fashions and a climactic gala ball."  French fashion?  Is there something inherently embarrassing in one hundred years of Denver?  Sad.

Let's meet our table mates!

Well, she looks like she's having a good time!  And, actually looks more chic than the ladies in New York.  Very toned arms, too.  Nice necklace.  Originally Jane Stanton - private school, Vassar, granddaughter of someone notable in Colorado, first marriage to a Mr. Seeburg, also private schools, divorce, then marriage to Ivor C. Peterson, son of founder of Star Motors . . . at some point they bought the C Lazy U Ranch in Colorado, which is still a dude ranch.

Governor McNichols:  Democrat, former F.B.I. agent, middle name of 'Lucid.'  Is he asleep?
Baronne de Nervo:  No idea who this is.  Baronne de Nervo is the name of a rose.

First Lady Marjory McNichols:  According to her daughter in Mrs. McNichols obituary, her chief interests were her family (five children) and the church (daily mass).

Francois Gavoty:  French commercial attache in 1943 (explaining why Moroccan sardines are a good bargain); later, during Nixon administration, something with French international banking.  Lifelong professional cheerleader of the French economy.  Forced smiles all around, I'd say.

Is not amused.

My cropping is awful.  Sorry, Mrs. Erni Barnes, who will remain forever unidentified.

Palmer Hoyt reinvigorated the Denver Post, which had been known for its screaming headlines and yellow journalism.   According to his obit, he introduced objective reporting to the Post, was honored by the NAACP, made a mess of his time at the Office of Information during World War II.  I wonder what he'd think of the Post today.  It has the most garish website of any paper I've seen.  Today it's under the same umbrella as the Oakland Tribune, with probably the same depressing results.

Let's Go to the Movies!

*  Kaagaz Ke Phool.  From supposedly the golden age of Indian film, but Bollywood today is a lot more fun.

*  Some musical numbers, but no dancing.  Kind of like A Star is Born starring the Orson Welles of India.   Interesting to see a Bollywood film about a Bollywood film; many affecting scenes; very, very, very long movie.

*  Tragic film with comic relief added by Johnny Walker, an Indian actor known for comic drunkenness.   Almost, but not quite, excruciating.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are Your Legs Properly Dressed?

This Week  --  Horse Latitudes, Where the Page-by-Page-No-Matter-What Idea What Is Pitched Overboard

Let's save our sanity and skim.

First, I would like to welcome Reading Vintage Vogue's first reader who wandered over from Technorati.  Our first Technorati reader also happens to be our first visitor from Pakistan.  Many visitors from countries in which I cannot safely be myself are looking for smut, Interesting to see what Google Maps will show - yeah, I look you up sometimes, and I swoop in with Street View and nose around your neighborhoods and see how far you are from Starbucks.   Really.  

Our Islamabad visitor was 14.7 km from Mocca Coffee, which looks as if is located in a very nice neighborhood.  Funny little glimpses of the world one gets doing this.  Well - to work:

Ugh - Ladies' Home Journal.   I don't give a damn about silverware patterns.  As for Chemstrand:  One of these is a solid gold stocking.  There was one in the October 1959 issue and in the December 2011 issue.   Ho hum.

But here's a little refreshment (one YouTube poster has it from 1959): 

And from a later date we probably will never reach:

Just think of all the things that had to happen to get us from the first ad to the second.  Tracing some of them was one of the original impulses of this blog.  And once again, when I am most impatient with the entire thing, something interesting - to me, anyway - turns up.

Probably not so lucky with the next spread:

Nicely chosen page mates again, considering what there was to work with.  I am assuming we are in the discount pages.  

On the left - more European linen.  This time,  fabric from Northern Ireland.  

On the right:  another United States Rubber ad.  In October, we had this:

Going back to the last issue, I see I punted.  There was just too much about United States Rubber.  I kind of like the ad campaign.  And again - search the New York Times archives for United States Rubber and advertising and you get more than 10,000 results.  TMI. In the boring way.


Blech.  More Ladies' Home Journal, if not worse.  I'm keeping this small because the colors are nauseating.  Also the juxtaposition of the table lighters and the sweet and sloppy food.  I well remember the days when a fancy ash tray was an acceptable present - even for people who didn't smoke.  And lighters, too.  But lighters you didn't have to wash.  We had a lot of great globs of art glass with discreet little ledges for cigarettes.  Wonder what happened to them.  Always thought they'd be useful as weapons.

According to this ad, there used to be 20 kinds of Cointreau, but I couldn't fine any more information.  We've had Cointreau before - check out their website for an extremely enticing macaroon recipe.  In 1959, you'd have to write away for a recipe booklet.  Well, actually, we are not much ahead of 1959.  On the website, there is an enticing photo of a macaroon, but I couldn't find the recipe.  

Let's go to the movies!

*  For nostalgic WWII vets.

*  Tony Curtis excellent as a metro-sexual wolf from the hood;  Cary Grant still George Clooney's doppelganger.  Gavin MacLeod again and the second husband from Bewitched, who could have played George H. W. Bush as a young man, if ever the need arose.  

*  Meh.  

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